
2018 Best in Business Judges

Jennifer Ablan, Reuters
Saqib Iqbal Ahmed, Reuters
Anjuman Ali, The Washington Post
Bill Alpert, Barron’s
Susan Antilla, The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute
Xana Antunes, Quartz and SABEW Board Member
Doug Banks, Boston Business Global
Robert Barba, The Wall Street Journal and SABEW Board Member
Emily Barrett, Bloomberg News
David Beal, Past SABEW President
Ben Berkowitz, WNBC
Rob Blackwell, American Banker
Jonathan Blum, Blumsday
Peter Bohan, Retired, formerly Reuters
Donna Borak, CNN Business
Bryan Borzykowski, Freelance and SABEW Vice President
Brandon Brown, Phoenix Business Journal
Stephanie Brumsey, Reuters
Jon Buck, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Bob Burdick, Retired, formerly Rocky Mountain News
Jonathan Burton, MarketWatch
Adrienne Carter, The New York Times
Jon Chesto, Boston Globe
Mary Childs, Financial Times
Paul Conley, Railway Track & Structures
Ronnie Crocker, Beaumont Enterprise
Antony Currie, Reuters BreakingViews
Megan Davies, Reuters and SABEW Board Member
Lance Davis,
Gail DeGeorge, Global Sisters Report/National Catholic Reporter and Past SABEW President
Lydia DePillis, CNN Business
Esme Deprez, Bloomberg
Alan Deutschman, University of Nevada-Reno
Jonathan Diamond, Houston Chronicle
Moira Dickinson, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Allan Dodds Frank, Freelance
Jack Doran, International Financial Review Refinitiv
Henry Dubroff, Pacific Cost Business Times and Past SABEW President
Ed Dufner, Bloomberg News
Kevin Dugan, The New York Post
Paul Eckert, Radio Free Asia
Richard Eisenberg, PBS
Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica
Clay Eltzroth, Bloomberg
Rachel Evans, Bloomberg News
Bay Fang, Radio Free Asia
Greg Farrell, Bloomberg News
Brad Foss, Associated Press and SABEW Board Member
Dennis Fulton, Retired
Tanya Gazdik, MediaPost
Melita Garza, Texas Christian University
Rob Gavin, Houston Chronicle
Roseanne Gerin, Radio Free Asia and SABEW Board Member
Pallavi Gogoi, NPR and SABEW Board Member
Bruce Goldberg, BG Writes
Howard Goller, Reuters
Angela Greiling Keane, Politico
Justine Griffin, Tampa Bay Times
Rami Grunbaum, Seattle Times
Dan Haar, Hearst Connecticut Media
Kevin Hall, McClatchy and Past SABEW President
Glenn Hall, The Wall Street Journal and SABEW Board Member
Kristen Hallam, S&P Global Market Intelligence
David Hamilton, Associated Press
Mark Hamrick, and SABEW President
Desiree Hanford, Medill Northwestern University
Barry Harrell, Austin American-Statesman
Craig Harris, Arizona Republic
Tom Herman, Yale University
Jeremy Herron, Bloomberg
Dan Hertzberg, Retired from The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg News
Maureen Hoch, Harvard Business Review
Allison Hoffman, CNN Business
Bill Holland, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Jeff Horwitz, The Wall Street Journal
Clark Hoyt, Retired, Knight Ridder
John Hughes, Bloomberg News
Carol Hymowitz, Stanford’s Center on Longevity
Andre Jackson, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Peter Jeffrey, Bloomberg
Brenn Jones, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Dave Kansas, Minnesota Public Radio and Past SABEW President
Mark Kass, Milwaukee Business Journal
Janet Kersnar, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Dimitra Kessenides, Bloomberg News
Aaron Kessler, CNN Business
Silvia Killingsworth, Bloomberg Businessweek
Georgia Frances King, Quartz
Jill Kirschenbaum, Freelance
Matthew Kish, Portland Business Journal
Bernie Kohn, Bloomberg BNA and Past SABEW President
Kathy Kristof, and Past SABEW President
Kevin Krolicki, Reuters
Elaine Kurtenbach, Associated Press
Bobby Lamb, The Advocate
Rachel Layne, Freelance
Alexis Leondis, Bloomberg News
Al Lewis, Houston Chronicle
Madeleine Lim, Bloomberg News
Teresa Lindeman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Heather Long, Washington Post and SABEW Board Member
Ashley Lutz, Bankrate/The Points Guy
James Madore, Newsday and SABEW Board Member
Jonathan Make, Communications Daily
Kris Mamula, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Felice Maranz, Bloomberg News
Lynne Marek, Crain’s Chicago Business
David Marino-Nachison, Barron’s
Gary Matsumoto, CGTN America
Steve Matthews, Bloomberg News
Scott Mayerowitz, The Points Guy
Greg McCune, Associated Press and Past SABEW President
Maura McDermott, Newsday
Bonnie McGeer, American Banker
Sarah McGregor, Bloomberg
Bill McGuire,
Flynn McRoberts, Bloomberg News
Renae Merle, The Washington Post
Phyllis Messinger, The New York Times
Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN Business
David Milstead, The Globe and Mail
Fred Monyak, Associated Press
George Moriarty, Seeking Alpha
Dan Moss, Bloomberg Opinion
Dean Murphy, New York Times and SABEW Board Member
Jeff Muskus, Bloomberg Businessweek
Jim Nelson, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and SABEW Board Member
Rick Newman, Yahoo Finance
Lananh Nguyen, Bloomberg
Kevin Noblet, Retired and Past SABEW President
Paul O’Donnell, Dallas Morning News
Holly Ojalvo, Quartz
Susan Orr, Indianapolis Business Journal
Joanna Ossinger, Bloomberg and Past SABEW President
Jeremy Owens, MarketWatch
Mukul Pandya, Wharton School
Mary Jane Pardue, Missouri State
Tory Parrish, Newsday
Jan Paschal, IPOScoop
Jenny Paurys, S&P Global Market Intelligence and SABEW Board Member
Jim Pensiero, Retired, The Wall Street Journal
Cindy Perman, CNBC and SABEW Board Member
Alanna Petroff, Yahoo Finance
Mary Ellen Podmolik, Chicago Tribune
Farran Powell, U.S. News & World Report
Ken Pringle, Freelance, formerly with Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal
Kim Quillen, Chicago Tribune and SABEW Secretary/Treasurer
Glenn Rabinowitz, Pacific Business Times
Evan Ramstad, Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Mike Regan, Bloomberg News
Gary Regenstreif, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Amy Resnick, Pensions & Investments
Rob Reuteman, Colorado State University and Past SABEW President
Stephanie Ritenbaugh, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Deon Roberts, Charlotte Observer
Susan Krashinsky Robertson, Globe & Mail
Peter Robison, Bloomberg
Ceci Rodgers, Medill Northwestern University
Mary Romano, Freelance
John Russell, Indianapolis Business Journal
Rachel Sams, Albuquerque Business First
Patrick Sanders, U.S. News & World Report and SABEW Board Member
Margot Sanger-Katz, The New York Times
Jane Sasseen, McGraw Center for Business Journalism at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
Ernest Scheyder, Reuters
John Schoen, CNBC
Cory Schouten, The Wall Street Journal and Past SABEW President
Alwyn Scott, Reuters
Anita Sharpe, Bloomberg News
Erik Siemers, St. Louis Business Journal
Caleb Silver, Investopedia/IAC and SABEW Board Member
Akash Sinha, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Allan Sloan, Washington Post/ProPublica
Jeanna Smialek, Bloomberg
Randall Smith, University of Missouri and Past SABEW President
Katerina Sokou, Kathimerini
Jill Spitz, Arizona Daily Star and Past SABEW President
Marty Steffens, University of Missouri and SABEW Chair
Paul Steiger, ProPublica
Suzanne Stevens, Portland Business Journal
Marina Strauss, Globe and Mail
Alecia Swasy, Washington & Lee University
Jyoti Thottam, New York Times
Edward Tobin, Reuters
Sarah Todd, Quartz
Fatima Tomas, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Craig Torres, Bloomberg News
Alex Tribou, Bloomberg News
Bowdeya Tweh, The Wall Street Journal
Kathryn Vasel, CNN Business
David Voreacos, Bloomberg News
Derek Wallbank, Bloomberg News
Allen Wastler, Mass Mutual
Joseph Weber , University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rob Wells, University of Arkansas
Mark Wert, Cincinnati Enquirer
Lindsey White, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Mark Whitehouse, Bloomberg Opinion
Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN Business
Dave Wilson, Bloomberg News
Elijah Wolfson, Quartz
Marty Wolk, Microsoft and Past SABEW President.
Kimi Yoshino, Los Angeles Times
Elana Zak, CNN Business
Erin Zlomek, Bloomberg


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