
Establish relationships. Generate coverage. Distribute content.

The annual conference of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) is Nov. 17-20 and it will be online. Approximately 350 members along with nearly 100 speakers and panelists will attend.

Our members work for Bloomberg, CNN Business, CNBC, Los Angeles Times, The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Washington Post and regional newspapers like the Chicago Tribune. Our members also work for digital organizations like Bankrate, Investopedia and Quartz.

We are seeking sponsors, exhibitors and partnerships with organizations that value the essential business, economic and finance stories our members produce, and who have experts and information to support those stories.

Here is specific SABEW20 sponsor and exhibitor information.

For more information, please contact Renee McGivern, rmcgivern at sabew dot org.


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