
Video; Large

Winner – Bloomberg: The drone delivery operator in Rwanda

  • Contributor – Aki Ito, Gloria Kurnik, Leila Hussain, Alan Jeffries, Victoria Blackburne-Daniell, David Nicholson
  • Judges’ Comments – This beautifully shot and artfully edited story explains how Rwanda uses drones to deliver critical medical supplies to remote hospitals. It also illuminates the role of the young man who trained to operate the drone. A lot of technology stories tend to focus on Silicon Valley; this story takes the tech beat out of that area, humanizes it and brings it home.

Honorable Mention – Financial Times: Argentina: A life of boom and bust

  • Contributors – Benedict Mander, Vanessa Kortekaas, Ben Marino
  • Judges’ Comments – For 50 years Argentina has ridden a death-defying roller coaster of financial boom times coupled with crushing inflation followed by stomach-churning financial crashes. Now the FT puts the human face to a tragedy that has destroyed whole towns. The FT’s video offers an engaging economic analysis and a beautifully shot visual story loaded with facts showing how the country is again at a boiling point.

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