
Contest Categories- BiB Canada


A one-page cover letter may be submitted with entries as a PDF. (To help the judges keep track of things, please style the PDF title like this: yournamecoverletter.PDF)

Submit entries as permalink URLs or PDFs.

Unless otherwise noted, entries may include up to five elements, including but not limited to stories, videos, graphics.



Beat reporting:

This division is format- and platform- agnostic.

Reporting on a beat of your choosing. Entry requires three stories. Works may be from one reporter or from various reporters covering a specific beat.

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This division is format- and platform- agnostic.

Reported coverage that reflects the point of view of a writer, writers and/or news organization. Includes blogs as well as unsigned editorials and individual columns.

Entrants should choose their best four examples.

For unsigned editorials, names of editorial board members must be included in the list of contributors.

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This division is format- and platform- agnostic.

In-depth, watchdog reporting that: a) presents important information that was unknown to the general public and was unavailable from other sources before publication; b) demonstrates an obvious need for change in law/policy/behavior.

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This division is format- and platform- agnostic.

A single story or series that: a) does not require a time element to be relevant; b) that demonstrates creative approaches to writing and/or presentation.

This category is divided into long form (> 2,500 words) and short form (< 2,500 words).

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Entries can be packages that combine multimedia elements in unique, interesting ways. Data visualization projects are encouraged for entry in this category.

Stories, projects, initiatives that exemplify creativity and originality. Judges will interpret this category broadly. Examples might include unique uses of multimedia elements, mobile apps or data visualization projects that debuted in 2014. It could be a package of stories that use nontraditional storytelling techniques.

The division is format- and platform-agnostic. Entries will be judged against each other, with judges weighing mission and size of entrant.

For paid tablet or smartphone apps, entrants must make access available to SABEW for judges’ use.

Stories and/or packages, including no more than five elements may be submitted as PDFs and permalinks URLs. A one-page cover letter may be submitted with entries as a PDF. (To help the judges keep track of things, please style the PDF title like this: yournamecoverletter.PDF)

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Package or ongoing series:

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Personal finance/investing:

This division is format- and platform- agnostic.

Personal finance reporting and/or commentary on any platform. Works may be from one reporter or from various reporters covering personal finance.

Entrants should choose their best five examples and submit them as permalink URLs. For unsigned editorials, names of editorial board members must be included in the list of contributors.

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