
2016 Board of Governors Candidate – Caleb Silver

caleb silverCaleb Silver
Vice president, content

SABEW’s mission is more important than ever, and I believe that it has both the right and the responsibility to expand its scope beyond the promotion of excellence in business journalism. As a member and an awards recipient, I am honored to be a nominee to the Board of Governors.

If elected, I would push the Society to become a more dynamic force in the conversation around the blurring of lines where consumers interact with news and information as the lines of privacy are slowly erased. I would also promote the amplification of more events, meet-ups and conferences where journalists and publishers across media can share best practices, education, experiments and opportunities.

SABEW needs to be a more constant voice and platform for business journalists and publishers beyond its semi-annual events and BIB Awards. My recent appointment as the VP of Content for has exposed me to a new arsenal of content and audience engagement analytics that are extremely powerful.

I know we are one of many publishers, both legacy and new, that have tools like this at our disposal. SABEW should be an organization that promotes that kind of knowledge sharing on a monthly basis across all major cities where business news is alive and thriving. If elected, I would push for the increase of that knowledge sharing and community engagement that would reinvigorate the existing membership and drive future growth.


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