
Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) Unveils New Logo

SABEW has launched a new logo in conjunction with its name change to the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. The logo also represents a more modern and evolving organization.

“The logo better communicates what SABEW stands for today,” said SABEW Executive Director Kathleen Graham. “We’ve used visual elements to emphasize our forward-thinking mindset, and digital and global expansion objectives.”

The logo’s overlapping circles reflect inclusion and the blending of print, broadcast and online journalism. The circles also represent innovation, globalization and forward motion. Accents of green signify money and the important role SABEW members play in reporting on business, personal finance and the economy.

The unveiling of the logo marks an evolution for the SABEW brand. The design brings with it a more sophisticated, professional and inclusive brand expression.

SABEW recently changed its name from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers as part of a broader effort to rebrand and embrace a global focus on business journalists and other stakeholders around the world.

Having “American” in the original name suggested SABEW did not offer membership or training to international journalists. In fact, SABEW expanded into Canada, holding its first Toronto event in 2010, and has since hosted workshops in investigative journalism and other training seminars. The new logo and name more closely align SABEW to business journalists around the world.

About SABEW:
It is SABEW’s mission as an independent, nonprofit organization to encourage comprehensive reporting of economic events without fear or favoritism and to increase members’ skills and knowledge through continuous education.

SABEW recently has become more focused on press freedom. To that end, it has issued statements and created events and training highlighting the importance of journalism, including the principle that fact-based reporting is necessary for the health of robust democracies.

SABEW advocates for full access to financial and economic data, including information collected and distributed by governments.

SABEW also holds an annual Best in Business awards competition, recognizing outstanding journalism conducted in the U.S. and abroad among professionals and students.

For more information about the organization, go to or contact SABEW Executive Director Kathleen Graham at


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