
Call for Candidates: SABEW Board of Governors Spring 2022-25

Serving on the SABEW Board of Governors is a great opportunity for business journalists to shape the future of the organization and build a stronger industry.

Online ballots will be cast for six open SABEW Board of Governors seats with three-year terms ending in ending in 2025. If you are interested in running send your statement of intent, bio and photo to Tess McLaughlin, by 5 p.m. ET Wednesday, April 13. You must be a SABEW member in good standing. Membership is defined in Article III: Membership, Section 1 of SABEW’s bylaws.

Voting will commence on Friday, May 6 at noon ET and close on Friday, May 13, noon ET.

Interesting in running? Check out SABEW’s bylawsboard responsibilitiesmember benefits and mission. Want to find out more? Email past SABEW President and Nominations Chairman Kim Quillen.

Voting members will receive their ballot information directly from online voting service provider Institutions get one vote per organization and individuals get one vote. If the person designated to vote on behalf of your organization has changed, or you are unsure who your representative is, please contact Tess McLaughlin.


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