Welcome to The Scoop blog!
I’m Glenn Hall, the president of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, and I’ll be using this forum to share the scoop on the work being done by your officers, executive committee, board and staff.
I also would like this blog to serve as a forum for a discussion with you, our members, so I invite you to share your thoughts and questions by adding comments to this post.
I want to kick things off with an overview of the priorities SABEW leadership set for the coming year. We are focusing all of our energy on service to our members, and we are defining service in two key ways: outreach and engagement.
- Outreach is about recruiting new colleagues to SABEW so that we can support as many business editors and writers around the world as possible. This includes the work being done by various committees to diversify our membership and bring new perspectives to our board and other leadership roles.
- Engagement is about the many ways we support SABEW’s mission to “band together in the individual and collective pursuit of the highest standards of economic journalism.” This includes conferences, training, networking and services like First Amendment advocacy.
To support those two goals, we created a new structure within the executive committee to help all of our committees succeed in their efforts. Here’s a link to the new committee system. The executive committee and your governors are hard at work enhancing our services, and coming up with new ways to support you and bring more colleagues into the fold.
A great example is the new “Skill Up @ SABEW” concept we pioneered last week at The Wall Street Journal headquarters in New York. WSJ sponsored and hosted this half-day, skills-only workshop, which focused on the kinds of training sessions that attendees at our Spring Conference earlier this year said they hoped we would be able to do more often.

As part of the Skill Up session, we wanted to promote greater diversity in the profession by offering the SABEW member rate to attendees from the National Association of Black Journalists. Additionally, complimentary registrations were offered to SABEW’s Xana Fellows in support of women in business journalism and to journalists of color through the SABEW Sho Fellowship.
We also wanted to support the next generation of business journalists. The Morrow scholarship helped bring students from the University of South Carolina and the Cox-SABEW Fellows program enabled students from the University of Georgia to join the training. The University of Missouri School of Journalism had a strong showing of students and provided support for the program along with a charging station for attendees. (special thanks to Marty Steffens, the SABEW chair in business journalism at Mizzou). Local NYU students also took advantage of the training.
The first Skill Up program covered a lot of new territory, reflecting the emerging skills that all journalists need in order to succeed in the modern digital age. Check out the lineup, which included a who’s who of leaders in business journalism:
- The Art & Science of Live Blogging: facilitated by Traci Carl, deputy editor for live journalism at The New York Times and Charles Forelle, finance coverage chief at The Wall Street Journal
- Raise Your Game and Get Booked – How to pitch your story and make a great impression when you go on-air: facilitated by Mary Duffy, vice president, strategic talent development; Sharon Epperson, senior personal finance correspondent; Kevin Flynn, executive producer, Closing Bell: Overtime; Lori Ann LaRocco, senior editor of guests; AJ Vielma, line producer, The Exchange and reporter/producer, CNBC en Espanol
- Business Basics: facilitated by Bowdeya Tweh, deputy corporate bureau chief at The Wall Street Journal
- Elevate Your Leadership – Best practices for increasing performance and engagement: facilitated by Cathy Carter, strategic leadership adviser at C2x Leadership
- One-on-One Coaching: Get your resume or clips reviewed, practice your story pitch or brush up on your interviewing skills. Coaches included top business editors and hiring managers from major media organizations.
If you’d like to review the full schedule and list of coaches and workshop hosts, click here: Skill Up @ SABEW, October 2022.
If you attended the workshop, we’d love you to leave your feedback as a comment. We’re especially interested in knowing if you’d like us to take this show on the road and do a Skill Up session in your region or even your newsroom. If you think a virtual workshop would be useful, let us know that as well.
Even if you couldn’t make it, please add a comment and share your thoughts about how SABEW can serve you or your organization better.
In closing, I would like to thank SABEW members everywhere for giving us the opportunity to serve you in your daily work and your career.
You are the reason SABEW exists!
All the best,

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